Our goal is to strengthen men and their families in the Catholic faith. Formation in our faith goes beyond mere facts or religious practice to an authentic connection with a loving God and his son Jesus Christ. Programs in this category are designed to draw us closer to God and the Church in a tangible and meaningful way. FAITH activities are currently coordinated by Monseigneur King.

Holy Family Radio WHYF am720

Our Council proudly supports Holy Family Radio WHYF am720 radio. They draw their inspiration as described by this passage on their website. Check them out at https://www.720whyf.com/.

Holy Family Radio, Inc. is a lay apostolate of Catholics in communion with the Holy Father and the Magisterium, placing ourselves in the hands of the Holy Family - Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Through the inspiration of Saint Maximilian Kolbe and all the saints and martyrs, we will use our gifts and talents to actively work through these radio broadcasts to make known the Good News of Jesus Christ, for the honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls. Embracing the call of Vatican II for lay evangelization through the power of the media, we at Holy Family Radio, Inc., intend to utilize radio broadcasts to provide, through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Truth of the Holy Catholic Church for the nourishment of our Catholic Family and to share our Faith with others.

​"Is it possible that our enemies must be so active as to have the upper hand, while we remain passive, limiting ourselves to some prayer? Do we not perhaps have more powerful arms, the protection of heaven and of the Immaculate Virgin... the conqueror and destroyer of heresies who will never yield to the enemy who raises his head." - St. Maximillian Kolbe

​"...but the Word of God remains forever." 1 Peter 1:25

Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP)

Council 4068 provides support to Seminarians, Postulants and religious aspirants. Thsi includes a committment to provide moral, financial, and spiritual support to future priests and religious at all stages of formation.

For more information about this program and to donate to the scholarship fund please visit the National Knights of Columbus webpage. For more information about our Council activities please contact the Grand Knight.

Funeral Altar Servers

The Council provides altar server services at funeral Masses conducted during the week when youth altar servers are not available. Activities include carrying the cross and processional candles, holding the book for the priest celebrant, carrying the incense and censer, presenting bread, wine and water, and providing other assistance as needed.

Sacramental Gifts for Baptism

The Council celebrates the sacrament of Baptism with new parents by providing gifts to support a lifetime of faith. A Council member will provide a red rose, baby feet pin, prayer, scroll, booklet, and baby blanket to new parents. These gifts are presented in conjunction with the Parish Respect Life Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Columbiettes.

An informational brochure about sacramental gifts is at this link.

Sacramental Gifts for RCIA Participants

The Council wishes to recognize new members of the Catholic Faith by distributing gifts to those who have completed the journey.

Spiritual Reflection

Spiritual reflection is accomplished through Retreats, visits to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine, St. Paul II Shrine, or other pilgrimages at the discretion of the Grand Knight to create opportunities for prayer and reflection as a fraternity. These activities typically require a minimum of one day.